Commercial LaundryCommercial Laundry, Linen, & Towel Cleaning Services near Alexandria, Annandale, & Rose Hill
When you started running your business you may not have taken into account how big a chunk of time doing laundry would take up. It's one of the most necessary, yet time consuming tasks that you must do. Don't pay an employee to do that laundry when they could be doing something more essential. And don't take that laundry home and do it yourself. Instead, let Casa Laundromat do it for you.
Our commercial laundry service will come to your place of business and pick up your dirty laundry. We will launder it how you specify at our laundromat, and we will bring it back to you, ready to use. We specialize in linen cleaning and towel cleaning, but we have industrial machines that can handle just about anything.
Some of the businesses that we can service:
- Hotels/Motels
- Airbnb and other vacation rentals
- Medical facilities
- Spas
- Gyms/Health Clubs
- Restaurants
- Bars
- And more!
The laundry service cost depends on how much laundry you generate, how often you require our service, and what type of laundry it is. Call for a bid: 888-802-9295 or email: info@casalaundromat.com
Commercial Laundry and Linen Cleaning Service for Vacation Rentals
If you own an Airbnb, VRBO, Bed & Breakfast or any other type of vacation rental than you are doing a ton of laundry. All of your linens and towels need to be laundered between each guest. Our Airbnb laundry service is designed with you in mind. We will come to your location(s) and pick up that laundry from you and return it before your next guests arrive!
Commercial Laundry and Linen Cleaning Service for Hotels
Our laundromat has industrial sized washers and dryers so they can handle big items like comforters and blankets, and big loads, like several sheet sets and towels at a time. If you use our hotel laundry service, we can get your laundry done better and quicker than you can. Plus, we have Ozone technology that will kill bacteria and viruses on all of your items.
Commercial Laundry and Linen Cleaning Service for Restaurants and Bars
Whether you own a mom-and-pop diner or a five-star restaurant you will have dirty linens. Our restaurant laundry service will laundry everything that needs it - linen napkins, tablecloths, towels, aprons, uniforms, even mop heads. Don't spend money maintaining a washer and dryer on the premises. Let us take care of your laundry for you.
Commercial Laundry and Towel Cleaning Service for Spas
One of the indulgences of spas and salons are the fresh-smelling, super-soft, thick, luxurious towels. They are always better than the ones at home and they are part of the spa experience. Don't disappoint your clients with thread bare, stained and tattered towels and robes. When you utilize our spa laundry service you will always have clean, fresh towels when you need them.
Commercial Laundry and Linen Cleaning Service for Medical Offices and Massage Therapy Offices
Medical facilities are held to the highest standards when it comes to cleanliness. That is why our medical laundry service offers Ozone cleaning. Ozone is proven to kill bacteria and viruses that may be living in your laundry. When Casa Laundromat washes your scrubs, sheets, gowns, uniforms, sheets, and towels, you can be confident that they will be safely cleaned and sanitized and up to your high standards.